Official Telegram Community for Türkiye
Life is a journey of learning.
Unlearning is the key for learning and moving on. These group/channels are set up to unlearn from the past, bearing in mind the positive and improving from negative, and most importantly to learn to move on.
1., for Matrixians specifically from Türkiye
2., for releasing all announcements
3., for trading-related topics
Believe in what you believe, and choose to offer patience, setting your feet on ground, aligning thoughts with the Team. There could be many groups out there, and some are pretending to be official. Stay alert.
Enjoy the AI adventure with MATRIX. Web 3 is coming.
Check the articles on our website :
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Matrix AI Network leverages the latest AI technology to deliver on the promise of blockchain.
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Owen Tao (CEO) | Steve Deng (Chief AI Scientist) | Eric Choy (CMTO)