New Year’s Letter Challenge

The last AMA of the year has come and gone and it was a huge success! Our community had the opportunity to ask any questions they had to our CEO Owen and our CMTO Eric, and our leaders did their best to provide detailed and informative answers.
We are always grateful for the opportunity to connect with our community and address any concerns or questions they may have. This AMA was no exception, and we hope everyone involved found it a valuable and engaging experience.
Thank you to everyone who attended the AMA, asked questions and made it such a success. Now we want to continue with the exciting new year event.
“Attention all Matrixians and creative minds!”
For this event, we invite you to create a Chinese letter (Xin) on paper and share it with us on Twitter along with a new year message about Matrix. Whether you prefer to draw, paint, collage, or use any other medium, we welcome all styles and techniques.
To participate, create your Chinese Xin letter and share this photo with the hashtag #matrixin and your most creative new year message on twitter. As an added bonus, we recommend including the link to our December AMA video in your tweet. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your artistic skills and for us to increase the number of views of our video.
We can’t wait to see your unique and creative letters and to start the new year off with a bang!
Happy creating, and happy new year!”
New Year’s Letter Challenge will be launched with the following details:
- Period: 01 January — 15 January (UTC+3)
- Winners: 1 lucky people
- Reward: A Xin letter written by our CEO Owen and a 5000 MAN new year gift will be given to 1 lucky person who attends the event and completes the tasks, writes the most creative new year message and gets the most interaction (views + likes + retweets).
4. What should be in your tweet;
1- #matrixin tag
2- December AMA link
3- Photo of your work on the letter Xin, similar to what the CEO did in his ‘December AMA’ video
4 -New year message
Tweet example image ;
5. Provide your link for the event using this form:
(This is very important! The form will be used for prize distribution.)
How to create a Matrix Wallet ? matrix-wallet-f227d6390e57
5. Misc.
● Winners will be announced on January 17th.
● Prize distribution will be around February 5.
● Prizes will only be awarded to the MAN wallet you specified on the form. Otherwise, you will not receive any rewards even if you win.
● Matrix AI Network reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, edit or cancel this event at any time without notice.
Into the Matrix.
The Matrix AI Network was founded in 2016. In 2023, we enter Matrix 3.0 blending neuroscience with our previous work to realize the vision of the Matrix films.
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Owen Tao (CEO) | Steve Deng (Chief AI Scientist) | Eric Choy (CMTO)