Monthly AMA with Owen Tao

Transcript of October’s AMA between our CMTO Eric Choy and CEO Owen Tao

Matrix AI Network
11 min readOct 31, 2021

Eric: Good morning from Hong Kong and good morning from Beijing to our Matrix community members. Today is the 27th of October and as usual we are organizing this online AMA to share the progress of Matrix and to answer some questions from the community. As usual, today we have our CEO, a very hard-working and very intelligent guy to share and to join this AMA. And without further ado, let’s give a big applause to Owen to join this AMA.

Owen: Hi Eric, hi community.

Eric: Okay, good to see you again. So, what happened today, it’s my birthday. Do you have anything to say to me, Owen?

Owen: Happy birthday Eric, I wish you the best luck in the next year and maybe we can celebrate your next birthday also in our AMA project.

Eric: Okay, thanks Owen, good. October has been a busy month for us, for every member of the Matrix staff team and also the community. The reason is because we have launched a couple of things to test in this month, for example, we have the stage 2 of MANAS, for the community to test early this month. Also just this month, just this week we are organizing the test for MANIA, and in the middle we had the APEX AMA. So aside from this, we also had some PR events, for example, you joined the conference in Hangzhou, and also you just joined an online seminar last night to share your view on GameFi, etcetera. So it is quite busy for the dev team and also for the operation team. Thanks for the effort, Owen. So next is to answer some questions from the community, and allow me to start with the first one, and today we’re going to answer a total of eight questions from the community members. And number one is from Chreace. The question is: “How was the AI of Matrix initially built, was it built from scratch or from an existing base of AI? If it is built on something existing, which one is it built one?” Could you answer that please, Owen?

Owen: That’s a good question. In fact, until now, most artificial intelligence work will be based on former research work, and for Matrix, our work target is to build in the Matrix 2.0 version, we wish to build a decentralized AI system, so we start to build the decentralized computing power system and also we plan to design and decentralize the data system. After that, we wish that most of the work can start from scratch. And also, until now, most of the AI service models on the MANAS are as such trained by ourselves.

Eric: Okay, so for now, the AI applications that run on Matrix are built by us, the dev team and for the future, it is our aim to build a decentralized AI platform, and that requires the effort from the AI scientists to build the AI algorithms, and also the computing power from the mining machines and all our resources, and also the users to make use of this decentralized AI platform, and that together will form a decentralized AI economy, trying to lower the barrier for the Telegram guys and try to make it easy for people from all walks of life, be it a merchant or for personal use to make use or to integrate these AI applications that were built by the AI scientists and make use of the tools of Matrix, and then leverage these tools to integrate into their business, for their personal use or for their business use.

So that’s what we dream of. And next, let’s move on to the second question: “When will Matrix make an Android and iOS mobile wallet application? This is a big need the community is asking for.” This question is from Sercan. Owen, please?

Owen: Yeah, in fact, we have an Android application already. You can find it in the ecosystem page and download that. And I think we should make more update for that mobile wallet and update it and make a new version for the users and yeah, after that I think we will offer an iOS app at the same time. Yeah, I think in the near future, we will, we should make more work on that wallet application and we will offer a new Android and also the first version of the iOS mobile wallet application.

Eric: Okay, thanks Owen, so Sercan, do you… So just Owen answered your question. So the key point there is that the Android version right now is available on the website for you to download, and we do know that the user experience is not that good, so we are trying to improve that, but it’s not for now and in the near future we are going to improve the UE, the user experience, of the mobile wallets, and also we are looking to develop the iOS mobile wallets as well. So for the time being, you can download the Android version to use and to give us comments. So, that was question 2. And question 3: “Will we be able to keep running our CPU miners after the going live of MANAS, MANTA and also GPU mining and AI processing has been enabled? Will the current gman still be working or are we required to upload a new one?” And this question is from Elk.

Owen: Yes, looking at our consensus system, in our design, if you are not selected as the delegate miner node, you will rent your computing power including the CPU and GPU to the users who need that and also the GPU mining, and so it means, if you are not selected to do the CPU mining, then you will start the GPU mining and the other AI computing work, so you can do that and you can gain the rewards for the CPU mining and also GPU computing power at the same time. I think when we start this function, we will update a new version of the gman.

Eric: So, when we update the gman, these miners will also be required to update it, right? Is that what you are saying, Owen?

Owen: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: Okay, thank you. So Elk, I hope this answers your question. If not, you keep DM’ing me. And we go on. Will the explorer, the wallet and platforms such as MANAS have a more attractive design, so just like what you just mentioned in terms of design, such as the website, in the near future? This will make a big difference to customers.” And this question is from Budspencer469. So in short, Budspencer is not so happy with our user design and also the user interface and user experience of the website and our platforms. So I give this question to you, Owen.

Owen: Yeah, that’s a good suggestion. I think we should redesign the explorer and the wallet in the near future and also we would like to hold a bounty event to ask the community to help us design these two pages and we would like to pay them the rewards in MAN. But for MANAS, in our opinion, we won’t run the MANAS platform by ourselves. I would like to offer an open API and also the SPK to the users who want to run the MANAS platform together, so you can build an own proto by yourself which can use the MANAS service behind it, so we would like to ask more and more people to run their own AI service platform based on MANAS. Yeah, so everyone can design their own protos for the AI services based on the Matrix AI service platform. Yeah, that’s our plan.

Eric: Okay, so in short, Budspencer, we do know we have the improvement for the user experience and user interface, etcetera, for the website, and just Owen mentioned that we are going to have the bounty event to see whereas there are any submissions in terms of redesigning the web page for Matrix. This is point 1. And point 2, for MANAS, we encouraged those interested persons to set up their own website for MANAS, because they can run it and then make use of our AI service. Simply, they can integrate to MANAS and leverage those applications for their own purpose and this in a way that becomes the ambassador so to speak, to promote the MANAS for themselves and to earn from there. So this is our plan. And the next question is from Jerry Hollander, Jhollander. I know him, so I can spell his full name. So his question is: “What is the latest update on the circulation supply?”

Owen: Yeah, you can find the latest data on the

Eric: So that is the official one, right?

Owen: It’s not designed by us. It’s an open platform to check the latest data for most of the blockchain projects. And also, you can find our data, you can find Matrix AI Network’s data on that platform.

Eric: Okay, I see. And the next question is from Anjani100. The question is: “What is Matrix Al Network’s competitive advantage on the market over similar projects?” So this is a very good question, and I think, Owen, you have a lot to share, I’m sure.

Owen: Our advantage, in fact, is our AI capability. In the 1.0 version, we would like to use the artificial intelligence, we want to build an AI enabled blockchain, so we use the AI technologies to make our platform faster, safer and also more public benefits. And also, in our future work, our idea is to build a decentralized AI system, so if we want to compare it with other AI projects, our advantage is that we want to build an open, decentralized AI system which will offer some basic functions, such as that we will offer the cheaper computing power by our mining system and also we want to offer such as the auto machine learning by our MANTA system and also an open service platform by our MANAS platform. And also we will offer some functions to have the AI scientists to protect their benefits, such as we will offer the MANIA platform [where] we can mint the AI algorithm into the NFT to translate, or something else. So I think the most advantage for our AI system is the open and decentralized… Yeah, we just offered lots of the basic functions and tools and we hope the community and the ecosystem will grow by itself and I think that’s the right choice.

Eric: Okay, thanks Owen. I’m sure you have a lot more to share and I think this a frequently asked question. Perhaps we can, just like [with] APEX…

Owen: Yeah, maybe in the future…

Eric: We have the series, we have the articles to release and to educate the community members about what makes us different or better. So in short, I think Owen just shared one keyword, about the vision. The vision determines where you go, where you’re heading and how big you can be. And Owen mentioned a very good point, that we’re trying to build a decentralized AI economy platform and that sets us apart other AI or similar projects from ours. And to achieve this, we have different building blocks and they have to work together. For example, MANAS, for example MANIA, for example MANTA, etcetera. So all these work hand in hand to develop the whole decentralized AI economy platform and this is what we are after. And this is what I can get from Owen. So this is a very big ambition and vision. and thanks Owen to take the lead to deliver this project to us. Thanks. And then…

Owen: I would like to write some articles and give more details about this question in the near future, for the community.

Eric: This would be good, thanks. And then again from Budspencer. “What is Prof. Deng currently working on besides auto machine learning for Matrix?” Auto machine learning is already very big. Is there anything that Prof. Deng is also working on? Besides playing basketball with you, Owen?

Owen: Yeah, the most important job for Steve is the auto machine learning platform right now. It’s the MANTA platform. And also, his main job is, his recent job is including the artificial… How to mix the artificial intelligence technologies and the NFT business. And also, he is busy with some government, or the latest computing cooperations. Most of the work in the MANITO, we have offered some industry maintenance work by artificial intelligence. We have some cooperation, such as the TEBA cooperation. That’s his many job recently. And also, we will move the old cooperation’s algorithms and models onto the MANITO platform and after that we can share all the services to other companies. And also, the most important is if other companies want to use our services on MANITO, they will need to use the computing power on Matrix, which we offer by our miners. That also will increase the rewards to the miners and also will add the circulation of the main coins.

Eric: Okay, I see, so Prof. Deng has been quite busy with a lot of things, MANITO, MANTA, AML, etcetera, and also some other projects. He’s super busy. and you mentioned MANTA and this leads to the last question of this AMA. And this question is from Jhollander. “When we can expect a demo of MANTA?” So we have this MANTA in stage 2. When can we have the demo for MANTA, Owen?

Owen: In fact, we are preparing the closed beta work right now. I think we will invite some users to join the closed beta in one or two weeks. We will give a detailed article to show our community how does the MANTA work and how to use that. And we will invite some, a few to join the closed beta work and to see like “is that stable” of the MANTA and how to increase the user experience and so on.

Eric: So just to have more transparency, this is, the MANTA, according to our stage 2 roadmap is ready for test. The reason for 1 to 2 weeks to invite the community to join the test, is because we need to provide all kinds of articles for education purpose, to align on the expectations, to make sure the people who joined the test will be able to understand the workflow, the logic, so that’s why it takes time. And don’t forget, for now you can still test the MANIA, and also we have just done the test on MANAS and we see some comments from the community members and some for the UE, just like other community members, we will improve, and most of them, they are excited about the progress of for example MANAS with the capability to recognize the plants, the animals by using the plants in their garden. So this is quite exciting for them. And please do understand, because it’s just a test at this stage, so some hiccups will happen, so that way it will make us improve the further version upgrades of the different systems. And thanks for your efforts to join this platform test. So to answer your question Jerry, we’re going to have the MANTA demo soon. So following the MANAS, following the MANIA, and then we will have the MANTA, and then all stage 2 developments can be tested and that’s good for everyone. So that concludes the AMA for October. So thanks for your time watching this AMA, and thanks to Owen for joining this and to share the updates of this and also to the dev team for their dedicated work in October and for the road ahead. Thanks Owen.

Owen: Hey, thanks Eric! Bye community.

Eric: Bye bye!

Owen: Thanks for your support to Matrix.

Eric: Don’t forget the bounty for the website. Thank you, bye!

Owen: Yeah, that’s very important work.

Matrix AI Network leverages the latest AI technology to deliver on the promise of blockchain.


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Owen Tao (CEO) | Steve Deng (Chief AI Scientist) | Eric Choy (CMTO)



Matrix AI Network
Matrix AI Network

Written by Matrix AI Network

The Matrix AI Network was founded in 2017. In 2023, we enter Matrix 3.0 blending neuroscience with our previous work to realize the vision of the Matrix films.

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