How to Manually Move MAN Coins to Ledger

Matrix AI Network
3 min readFeb 25, 2022


Devices used: Ledger Nano S and Ubuntu 16.x

Step 1

Download the ledger-matrix file from Github at

Step 2

Get your Ledger ready and be sure to keep a copy of your mnemonic.

Step 3

Launch a command-line interface on a computer running Linux, and make sure your Ledger Nano S is showing “setting” on its screen, (as below).

Step 4

On the command-line interface, enter cd ledger-matrix, and press Enter. The ledger-matrix file downloaded in Step 1 will be used here.

Step 5

Enter sudo make, and confirm by entering your computer password, as in the screenshots below. Wait a few seconds.

Step 6

As in the screenshot below, enter sudo make load.

Step 7

From here forward, you’ll need to complete the remaining steps on your Ledger Nano S. Take your device and click √.

Step 8

Click √ again when “Public key” appears on your Ledger Nano S screen.

Step 9

Click √ again when “Identifier” appears on your Ledger Nano S screen.

Step 10

Click again to confirm you wish to install the app.

Step 11

Enter your Ledger Nano S password to proceed.

The images below show what your computer and Ledger Nano S will look like, once you have completed all the steps.

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Matrix AI Network

The Matrix AI Network was founded in 2017. In 2023, we enter Matrix 3.0 blending neuroscience with our previous work to realize the vision of the Matrix films.