How to Launch Your Masternode by using snapshot at block height 5,900,000
1. Go to and download the zip package matching your operating system.
2. Choose Version 4.0.
3. Choose one of the two ways to launch a Masternode:
a. Launching a Masternode by syncing the entire blockchain. This method may take a long time to complete, but it’s stabler. Follow the steps detailed in the guide that comes with the zip package.
b. Launching a Masternode using snapshot files. This method does not take long to complete, but it’s less stable. Please refer to the guide at
1. There are instructions for Windows, Mac and Linux users separately in the guide.
2. When there are mining profits involved, consult the “Transfer account data” section in the guide.
Depending on the number of MAN you stake, you are assigned the role of either a mining node or a validation node. A mining node has to stake more than 10,000 but not exceeding 100,000 MAN, while a validation node has to stake more than 100,000 MAN.