Game on! Mascot Needed for Mass Effect
We need you! Help MATRIX design a blockchain gaming ecosystem mascot!
New technologies live or die based on their ability to engage with people. Countless technological marvels have been lost to the annals of history because they never managed to create something that people actually wanted to use. The blockchain industry is reaching the point where mainstream adoption is needed for blockchain solutions to survive and thrive in their current form. While mainstream media outlets have begun to recognize and parrot certain keywords, an easy-to-use application is still needed to help crystalize the public’s understanding of the benefits and opportunities brought by blockchain technology.
Blockchain X Gaming
Gaming has quietly been at the core of the MATRIX AI Network since the start. This in in large part due to MATRIX CEO Owen Tao’s long history in the Asian gaming space. As many in the community already know, Mr. Tao’s professional successes include a series of gaming ventures including establishing a large-scale 3D virtual community, creating the world’s first in-game advertising system and founding an award-winning gaming platform which ultimately attracted over 20 million registered users to become to most popular gaming platform in Asia at the time. Mr. Tao’s experiences have taught him that games are often the first contact a consumer has with a new technology, that new technologies offer a slew of advantages to game design, and that games, on the other hand, offer strong catalysts for the mass adoption.
O Killer DApp, Where Art Thou?
The key to mass adoption via games is to find that so-called killer DApp. While everyone would love this killer DApp to measure the ripeness of delicious fruit in some way, the MATRIX team is not willing to put all their melons in a single basket. Several competing games are needed for a single killer DApp to emerge. This is why MATRIX has partnered with companies such as Bit.Game and is currently meeting with game developers on their China roadshow. Additionally, MATRIX has hired several in-house game developers to start internally developing games. This is all part of building a strong, vibrant gaming ecosystem.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No! It’s the MATRIX Mascot Design Competition?
Gaming mascots, with a few portly exceptions, have largely fallen out of fashion in the west. Nevertheless, they remain important elements of the Asian gaming space — particularly in China. As such, the MATRIX team is happy to announce the launch of not one, not two, but ONE design competition!
This mascot will be at the center of the MATRIX gaming ecosystem and will appear in game announcements and promotional materials. If this mascot proves popular enough, it may also pop up elsewhere! Truth be told, these types of activities would usually be reserved for Asian markets. However, the importance of the community to a project like MATRIX cannot be overstated. Since a blockchain like the MATRIX AI Network is a global effort, the team has decided to open this competition to the talented and passionate individuals of the worldwide audience as well.
The Challenge
Simply put, the team is looking for designs that convey a positive image that tells the world what MATRIX is really about. Elements that communicate a sense of playfulness or a love of games are encouraged! Unique, creative ideas are a must!
How To Enter
1. Submissions should be sent to
2. Submission files should be named “MATRIX Mascot Design + Your Name”
3. The email should include your ERC20 wallet address, your mascot’s name and a brief written description explaining your concept
The Timeline
The Prizes
Best Mascot Design (x1): 5000 MAN & a custom mascot
Popular Choice (x1): 5000 MAN
Honorable Mentions (x5): 1000 MAN
Winning designs will be selected by both the community (Popular Choice) and the MATRIX team (everything else). Winners of the “Best Mascot Design” will receive a customized physical prize in addition to MAN tokens.
The “Please Notes”
1. Submissions able to capture the problems that the MATRIX AI Network is trying to solve — namely, the programming barriers and security flaws introduced by smart contracts, the lack of flexibility in blockchain parameters, the wasted computing power of hash mining and the subpar system throughput speeds — will be viewed favorably.
2. Mascot submissions are recommended — though not required(!) — to include three views: from the front, from the back and from the side!
3. Participants must not infringe on any copyright, intellectual property rights or relevant laws.
Matrix AI Network leverages the latest AI technology to deliver on the promise of blockchain.
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Owen Tao (CEO) | Steve Deng (Chief AI Scientist)