Announcement: Calling all Masternodes! Is your Masternode properly deployed?
Several Matrix Masternodes have not been successfully deployed.
Each and every Matrix Masternode is a vital part of ensuring the smooth operation of the Matrix AI Network. During the Matrix Mainnet’s infancy, the Matrix team staked several of their own Masternodes to ensure the normal operation of the Matrix AI Network and limit network disruption while the Matrix community deploy their Masternodes.
Over the past several days, the Matrix team has started removing team-controlled Masternodes. The final of these nodes was shut down on April 24th, 2019. During this period, some of you may have noticed inconsistencies in the performance of the Matrix AI Network; particularly as it relates to blocktime. One reason for this is that a large number of Masternodes have not been successfully deployed. The consequence of this is that, when selected, the faulty or undeployed Masternodes fail to complete their given mining and verification tasks. This impacts the entire network and increases blocktime as the network needs to redistribute tasks.
The Matrix team has decided to compile a list of the wallet addresses associated to nodes which have been identified as not being properly deployed. If you find your own address in this list, please read this article carefully!
Compared with successfully deployed nodes, faulty or undeployed nodes earn considerably less block rewards. If your node wallet address is listed above, the Matrix team strongly encourages you to follow the steps below to properly deploy your node and avoid a loss in rewards.
How to check the status of your Masternode?
Step 1: Confirm that you’re a fully synced by checking your block height
When you deploy a Masternode, you must ensure that your Masternode has fully synced with the Matrix AI Network. If your block height is out of sync, your Masternode may not perform properly.
When viewing your Masternode in either your Windows Command Prompt or Mac Terminal, type man.blockNumber. Compare the returned number to the block height listed on the Matrix Blockchain Browser. If they match, you are good to go. If they don’t, your Masternode is not properly deployed. Please refer to the Matrix Node Deployment Guide for instructions on how to view your Masternode.
Step 2: Confirm that your system clock is accurate
If there is a time difference between your system’s clock and the actual time in your time zone, it may cause your Masternode to be out of sync with the Matrix AI Network. Please make sure your system clock is accurate when deploying your Masternode.
Besides confirming that your Masternode is properly synced and that your system clock is accurate, you need to ensure that Port 50505 is open. Even if your Masternode is properly and fully synced to the Matrix AI Network, a closed Port 50505 will impact your Masternode’s ability to perform mining and verification tasks. The Matrix team has discovered that dozens of Masternodes across 44 countries are operating with a closed Port 50505. Specifically, this issue is impacting the performance of 42 Masternodes in the United States, 13 in Germany, 11 in England, 9 in Belgium, 8 in the Netherlands, 8 in China, 7 in Canada, 6 in Hong Kong, 5 in Austria and 4 in Spain.
The Matrix team strongly encourages everyone to confirm that Port 50505 is open on both their computer and router.
How to open Port 50505?
There are many ways to check if your Port 50505 is open. The simplest way is to use an online tool. One such tool is called You Get Signal. To check if your Port 50505 is open, visit You Get Signal and enter 50505 next to “Port Number.” Then, click “Check.” A message will appear after a few seconds indicating whether or not Port 50505 is open.
If Port 50505 is closed, please open it on both your computer and router. If you do not know how to do so, the Matrix Team has prepared a detailed guide on how to open Port 50505. An open Port 50505 is important to ensure the normal operation of your node. Even if your Masternode address is not listed above, please confirm that your Port 50505 is open.
Matrix AI Network leverages the latest AI technology to deliver on the promise of blockchain.
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Owen Tao (CEO) | Steve Deng (Chief AI Scientist)