Android MAN Wallet For Test

Matrix AI Network
1 min readJun 8, 2022


Dear Matrixian,

Currently, most of you are using wallets from Exchanges or our Web Wallet. Mobile Wallet has been requested by the community in AMAs for a better user experience. We heard that and have been working with an eco partner for it.

Today, we are glad to share with you that the partner has done the V1 and the Android Wallet is ready for test. In this version, you should see functions including:

1. Create a wallet

2. Import a wallet

3. Send and Receive

4. Green Mining

5. Joint Mining

6. Settings

We are now inviting you to join the test before public release. If you know how to install an APK to your phone and you find this interested, please send an email to latest by 11 June.

There will be more versions upgraded by phases. Stay tuned for updates.

Enjoy the adventure with MATRIX.

Check the articles on our website :
EN version: link

Matrix AI Network leverages the latest AI technology to deliver on the promise of blockchain.


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Matrix AI Network
Matrix AI Network

Written by Matrix AI Network

The Matrix AI Network was founded in 2017. In 2023, we enter Matrix 3.0 blending neuroscience with our previous work to realize the vision of the Matrix films.

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