1st Report Of October 2023


Mainnet Performance

Validator nodes: 101

Miner nodes: 1217

New Wallet: 98+

Project Updates

2nd Part of MATRIX 3.0 Phase I — 0%

Testing of some hardware prototype designs;

Feasibility testing of some native applications and services;

Special Patches Phase I — 100%

Added multi-round optimization for Intelligent Contract contract generation.


Optimized the interaction interface and workflow of Morpheus.

The Matrix AI Network was founded in 2017. In 2023, we enter Matrix 3.0 blending neuroscience with our previous work to realize the vision of the Matrix films.


Website | GitHub | Twitter | YouTube

Telegram (Official) | Telegram (Masternodes)

Owen Tao (CEO) | Steve Deng (Chief AI Scientist) | Eric Choy (CMTO)



Matrix AI Network

The Matrix AI Network was founded in 2017. In 2023, we enter Matrix 3.0 blending neuroscience with our previous work to realize the vision of the Matrix films.